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  • Writer's pictureMichias

Unit 2: Is It A Pool or A Communal Bathtub?

Updated: Jan 22, 2019

A swimming pool is typically crowded on a July afternoon when it’s 30 C. Whether it be at a community recreation center or at a friend's house, getting to play water games or even interacting with friends, the pool is always a fun healthy outlet. Although being in the water is a great past-time, it does have some downfalls.

The beginning of swimming pools

Fig. 1. One of the first swimming baths in America. It cost $3000 to build it.

Swimming pools were not invented in America whatsoever. It was invented in the far eastern side of the world a thousand years ago. Their purpose of the invention was to create a community cleansing area. More importantly, in 1887, the first public swimming pool in the United States was in the town of Brookline, Massachusetts.(Fig. 1) And for a brief time, without any sterilization tools and gadgets, most swimming pools were filtered by changing the water frequently, however, that only made the water somewhat clean. Until after 10 years, chemical producers began providing bleaching powder compound like sodium hypochlorite (NaClO)(l) to help cleanse the pools.

In-depth look in the chemical's that are in our swimming pools

Figure 2: Side-effects of chlorine-fill pools

Pool water ranges from 5-8.5 in accordance to the pH level, meaning that pools require weak or minimal dosages of acids and bases in order to control the pH level. Bases in the category of chlorinated isocyanurates like calcium hypochlorite (Ca(ClO)₂, hypochlorous acid (HClO(aq)) and lithium hypochlorite ( LiClO)(l) are predominant in most personal pools to slightly increase the pH level. On the contrary, muriatic acid(HCl(aq)) or even sodium bisulfate (NaHSO₄)(aq), have low pH levels. Muriatic acid and especially sodium bisulfate require extensive precaution, and the unbalance of the pH level will lead to significant problems. Dangerous pathogens, such as bacteria and algae thrive in water, so the management of the chemicals like chlorine must be calculated and reasonable in order to keep pools safe. Controlling the balance of acidity level is a tough task for most pool owners. Results of side effects like eye and skin irritation are imminent because of that. (Refer to fig 2)

Here is a balanced equation of when calcium hypochlorite (a common chlorine agent for swimming pools) is reacted with water:

2 H2O(l) + Ca(ClO)₂(aq) ↔️ 2 HClO(aq) + Ca(OH)₂(aq)

Is Chlorine Actually Hurting Us Rather than Helping Us?

Things to realize are that chlorine by itself is quite dangerous and poisonous. Based on the periodic table, chlorine is in group 17 of the periodic table, also called the halogens. And all halogens are non-metals that have a bonding capacity of one to become stable like group 18 (noble gas). Chlorine is an extremely reactive element and a powerful oxidizer (Refer to video below). A powerful

oxidizer like chlorine create fire and explosive hazards during reaction with countless substances. That is why it is never found solely as a single atom but in compounds, because it is desperately looking to stabilize and complete its valence orbit. And that exact property makes chlorine an ideal option for most pool owners. Chlorine oxides become a decently effective biocide. A biocide is a substance like calcium hypochlorite that at a chemical standpoint will destroy or suppress harmful organisms like bacteria and germs. The same chemical that saves us can also hurt us tremendously. Examples like liver and kidney infections result from the swallowing of chemically sanitized water.

Did you know?

German soldiers releasing chlorine gas in WW1.

The first poison gas attack used chlorine gas. It was used by the Germans to poison its opposing soldiers in the trenches of the First World War (refer to images on the right).



Documented on July 9, 2018, by Glenn Howatt, this article talks about the shocking statistic comparisons of ill people from facilitated recreation swimming pools and from public lakes. Then Glenn would explain the strange misunderstanding of the effects of chlorine. That chlorine in water helps kill pathogens and germs but it cannot kill all of them. And even though the chlorine level is up to standard, like Glenn Howatt stated ‘add people to the pools’, and that is where the problems begin. The article then goes to explain the in-depth illness or symptoms that can come from waterborne diseases. It finally, ends off with a reminder to have a precaution and awareness of any body of water you are trying to get in. Also, do not swallow water from any places that you are swimming in.

Personal Reflection Referring to the article from Glenn Howatt that includes concerns of chlorine being mixed into water. Swallowing pool water is quite accessible for children. And if it is so easy to do so, I feel like it would be appropriate to make sure that the pool they unconsciously drink from won't give them lifelong illness. I totally believe that we should use other alternatives to cleansing our swimming water. Options like mineral ionization which is a healthier pool chlorine alternative that reduces on average 85% of the chlorine. This method uses natural minerals that kill germs by clumping them together which will travel through the pool’s filter and be terminated. Also, methods like ozoning(O3) (image below) which help in an immediate breakdown of any organic contaminants. It may be an expensive investment, but on the contrary, the chlorine usage will diminish to 60-90%. These alternatives require less chlorine, so the side effects like irritation, illness and an allergic reaction can be reduced. Money is something that is a big part into why people choose to buy chlorine-based compounds. It is cheap and finishes the job decently well. Even considering all that chlorine-water provides, paying more so that your children can be healthy seems like a small investment in the grand scheme of things.

Fig. 4 A demonstration of how ozoning works.

In your opinion, should the usage of chlorine in our swimming water be reduced? Explain why. What alternatives would you suggest rather than using chlorine. Compare your alternative decision to the generic chlorine-based compounds that most pool owners use.


Swimming Pool Bio Sanitizer (2011-08-01). Retrieved from

Healthiest Pool Chlorine Alternatives (2017-11-02). Retrieved from

Five Chlorine Alternatives for Pool Owners (2018-10-02)

Science of Summer: How Chlorine Kills Pool Germs (2001-04-04)

Helping to Keep Pool Water Safe and Purify Drinking Water in the Developing World (2000-04-11). Retrieved from

SWIMMING POOL WATER CHEMISTRY (2013-02-04). Retrieved from

Probiotics and Chlorinated Water (2018-05-02). Retrieved from

Swimming pools - water quality (2017-03-27). Retrieved from


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1 comentario

08 nov 2018

I strongly believe that It’s time to look at how to reduce chemical use in swimming pools. As you stated Michias, chlorine itself is very dangerous and for us to put it in our pools is concerning, not forgetting the fact that swallowing pool water is very accessible for young children. We’ve gotten so used to the bleachy smell of chlorine at a swimming pool that we’ve all but forgotten that it is not entirely that safe. This isn’t meant as a scare tactic, most casual swimmers aren’t going to have a severe reaction to taking a dip in a pool with chlorine, but when we’re looking at the big picture of water conservation and environmental impact, it’s worth examinin…

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